Program Partners News Presentation Gallery Guests
21 – 22 September 2015 / Clarion Congress Hotel Ústí nad Labem
Špitálské náměstí 3517, 400 01 Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic
Monday 21st September
8:30 – 9:00 / Registration of participants and morning coffee
9:00 – 9:15 / Opening
- Oldřich Bubeníček, Governor of the Ústí region
- Karel Novotný, Under-secretary of the Minister of inudstry and trade
- Jiří Cieńciała, Authorized representative of the Government of the Moravian-Silesian region and Ústí region
Enterprise and investment environment in the Czech republic
- Zbyněk Pokorný, Manager of Department of Innovative Enterprise and Investment, Ministry of industry and trade
- Martin Krejčí, Manager of Investment division of CzechInvest
- Enterprise and investment opportunities in the Ústí region
- František Jochman, Chairman of The Chamber of Commerce of the Ústí region
- Ladislav Drlý, Councillor for Invetsment, Assets and Economy of the Ústí region
Potential international cooperation
- foreign guests
Practical experience of foreign investors
- Martin Durčák, Member of the Managing board of Unipetrol, plc.
- Roman Vaibar, Production manager of Materialise, Ltd.
- Qidong Heng, CEO Shangai Mailing Czech, plc.
- Jiří Vančura, manager of Shangai Mailing Czech, plc.
- Kurt Kaltenegger, Group Vice President, Head of Technology ABB Technology Ventures
Panel discussion
- Karel Novotný, Under-secretary of the Minister of inudstry and trade
- Martin Krejčí, Manager of Investment division of CzechInvest
- Ladislav Drlý, Councillor for Invetsment, Assets and Economy of the Ústí region
- Kamil Blažek, Chairman of Association for Foreign Investment – AFI
- Zdeněk Machala, Production manager of Chart Ferox, plc.
11:45 – 13:00 / Lunch
National support of research, development and innovation
- Martin Štícha, Manager of research, development and innovation department, Ministry of Industry and Trade
- Jan Dejl, Advisor of Manager of financial tools and project managing department, Ministry of Industry and Trade
- Robin Čumpelík, ALMA Consulting Group, Czech Republic
The potential of Science, Research and Innovation in the Ústí region
- Tomáš Sivíček, Head of Department of Economic studies the Univerzity of J. E. Purkyně
- Pavla Žížalová, asistant manager of PricewaterhouseCoopers CR, Ltd.
- Martin Balej, Rector of the Univerzity of J. E. Purkyně
- Jaromír Lederer, Science manager of UniCRE
- Karel Krejza, the Mayor Executive of town Litoměřice; Antonín Tym, Manager of the geothermal project / Research infrastructure RINGEN
- Jana Nedrdová, Head of Department of Field of project strategy, preparation and realization of the Regional Authority of the Ústí region
14:30 – 15:00 / Coffee Break
15:00 – 16:00 / WORSHOPS
15:00 – 16:00 / Health service and Balneology in the Ústí region – new potential
presenter: Jan Pokorný, editor in chief
Opening presentation:
- Roman Vaibar, Production manager of Materialise, Ltd.
- Yveta Slišková, Trade manager of the Teplice Spa, plc.
- Martin Zeman, Secretary of the Science Board of the Regional Health Service, plc.
- Vojtěch Krump, Head of Department of science, upbringing and further education of the Regional Health Service, plc.
- Pavel Bernáth, manager of the Medical institution Ústí nad Labem
- Karel Hrach, Asistant dean for the study of Faculty of medical studies at the Univerzity of J. E. Purkyně
František Och, Manager of Balneology research institute v.v.i.
15:00 – 16:00 / How to improve the ability of labour power to qualify – univerzity study of the Ústí region
only in Czech language
prezenter: Miroslava Kopicová, Manager of the National Training Fund, o.p.s.
Opening presentation:
- Zdeňka Šímová, Project manager, National Training Fund, o.p.s.
- Libor Sehnal, Personnel manager of AGC Flat Glass Czech, plc.
- Bob Kartous, Head of communication EDUin, o.p.s.
- Jaromír Cais, postgraduate student of Faculty of Production technologies and management at the Univerzity of J. E. Purkyně
- Martin Kos, manager of O2, plc.
16:00 – 17:00 / Development of research, development and innovation in the Ústí region
only in Czech language
moderátor: Jaromír Lederer, Science manager of UniCRE
Opening presentation:
- Martin Růžička, Manager of research and development Unipetrol, plc.
- Michal Kurka, Manager of the Administration section Lovochemie, plc.
- Antonín Tym, Manager of the geothermal project / Research infrastructure RINGEN
- Luboš Knechtl, Manager of Inorganic Production Spolchemie, plc.
- Luděk Knorr, Manager of the Technological agency CR office
16:00 – 17:00 / Development of brownfields in the Ústí region
presenter: Karel Bořecký, Senior consultant EUFC CZ s.r.o.
Opening presentation:
- Zbyněk Pokorný,Manager of Department of innovative enterprise and investment, Ministry of Industry and Trade
- Vladimíra Formanová, Manager of Department of enterprise property management CzechInvest
- Aleš Tallowitz, Head of Department of industry and enterprise support of the Regional Authority of the Ústí region
- towns representative
17:00 / Social meeting
- Presentation of Technological park NUPHARO
- Banquet dinner and networking
8:30 / bus departure
- Clarion Congress Hotel reception
9:00 – 11:00
- The Univerzity of J. E. Purkyně – Ústí nad Labem
- Technological park NUPHARO – Žďárek
11:00 – 12:00 / Lunch
12:00 – 15:30
- Research and education centre UniCRE – Litvínov
- Strategic Industrial Zone Triangle – Údlice
- Strategic Industrial Zone Joseph – Most